26 February 2012

I like to write

I get lots of hope and inspiration from other writers. It's one reason I'm trying this blog thing. 

I really like Kristin Cashore's comments about deciding what to and not to share.

Also, I've been enjoying Caroline Tung Richmond's comments about what to do "after the call". Even though I'm no where close to looking for an agent. 

I finally finished typing up my bare bones of one story to send to some friends to look over and have begun to work on putting it in better story form. I've also been adding to the bare bones of another story that I'm doing. I've discovered that this is the best way for me to approach things. Write about what happens in segments, then write about it as if I am there. Space and intimacy. I guess it's bringing me one step closer to becoming better.

Also, I've been writing more because I've been attempting to study more. When I read non-fiction, I write fiction. When I read fiction, I write non-fiction. So, with papers coming up for classes I'll be adding more fiction into my reading line. 

08 February 2012

Exploding Heads and Story Ideas

I consider myself a writer even if I am not actually published. Or have finished writing something. I get excited when I come up and begin ideas. I get excited when I read author blogs. I get excited when I read. Yes, even when I read text books. For some reason, I write better fantasy when I am reading non-fiction. Since, my head feels like it is about to explode I thought that I would quickly post about some of my story ideas.

McKenna's Story - this one has no title. It is based around the younger identical twin, who becomes a spaceship mechanic even though she comes from money. It's a balancing act between society and what one loves to do. ... hey that's a pretty good description for something I came up with when I was sixteen.

Airis - a story about six characters who end up being the destined rulers to reunite a country. I am hoping to somehow weave the stories of the six around each other, but  am right now primarily following Fiala.

Scarlet -something a little more in the fantasy with fairies and bandits and Irish accents. Well, at least the accents are in my head.

The Maker -first of at least a trilogy following Lindsey Creadith as she discovers more about the power she has inherited.

The Rebirth Chronicles - a series of twelve books, where the main character is being reborn through time and space leading to different adventures and sometimes running into reincarnations of different people.

Genesis Story -a retelling of the Adam and Eve story with a sci-fi twist.

and these are all the stories I can remember at the moment. I move from one to the other right now to keep from getting bored. Also because I don't have the time to concentrate on just one, since I want to graduate first. But right now one of the Rebirth Chronicle stories and The Maker are the furthest along.

06 February 2012

Where Does The Time Go

I've been wanting to post every Sunday, the day when I have the most time and have had the most sleep. But what I've been wanting to post isn't finished being written yet. And that's because of being busy. Yes, I know we all say we are busy, but when you're basically working a full time job and are a full time Film student, as well as trying to balance doing fun life things and seeing friends and family, well, busy is the correct term for it.

This past weekend I went with my friend (code name: Little Cub), to two free on campus museums. One was an art museum, which I enjoyed, but he didn't care for as much. The other was a natural history museum, which we both liked very much. I had forgotten how much fun museums are. Now, I just need to finish visiting the free museums in Lawrence. Then I'll move on to getting all the free ones in KC. And just expand outwards from there.

Oh, another thing I am excited for, now that I'm also delving into the world of gaming (not very often though, since I'm busy with everything else) is, the new Firefly Online Universe. It already looks pretty cool.