23 June 2014

Sunday Update a Day Late

I like writing these posts occasionally. I think it's a good way to shout out what I've been up to. And reading other peoples blogs got me interested in starting a weekly update blog. Hopefully done every Sunday, since Sunday are the days I won't be writing on other projects.


What have I done this past week: I have spent a lot of time this week working on family history and preparing a batch of names to take to the temple. Especially I am trying to get names ready to be baptized so Little Cub can experience working in the temple, since it is such an awesome feeling!!! I love the temples so much and I want to infect everyone with that same love.

Writing Goal Progress: I worked on plotting out my camp nano story. I also listed out all the stories I have somewhat in any form of process/progress and wrote down what I think the next step would be to move them forward. I'm also working on a screenplay of Alanna: The First Adventure.

What I am Reading right now: I am reading The Mask of Command by John Keegan. I'm almost done with his section about Alexander. I am also reading Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce in two places. One is for my own amusement and one is for the screenplay version I am doing.

What I am Watching right now: For girls night we are still watching EUREKA!  Personally, I have been watching "The Fades" which is a British show that only had six episodes. Interesting so far. I began "Lost in Austen" but it didn't really keep my attention, though the characters were very fun and zany.