03 June 2013

Personal Moments

A couple of months ago I drew a question to write a blog about, but I didn't write the blog. The question, chosen at random, was for me intensely personal. It even aroused the feelings I had had at the moment fresh in my memory.

Recently, I went to a science fiction and literary convention. It's mostly adults who want to be writers or are writers. (All writers already at heart?) I love it. It was my third year to attend. 

Now, how the two connect together. I've lived many wonderful moments in my so far short life. Some I love sharing with others, and some that I keep close to my heart. I am glad that I am out there living my life and accomplishing the goals I want to do. My life is vastly different from when I started writing this blog. Some things I wish I didn't have to experience, but yet I know that those moments have shaped me into who I am today. And I like who I am today. And I know all my experiences will be able to color and deepen the stories I want to write. 

So, I am glad to be alive and glad for the joy and heartache.

Reading at the moment: No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew

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