15 September 2013

Books and Dating

My question for the night is: What is your most humorous date story?

It wasn't funny at the time. But it sure is now. At least to me.

My friend wanted to date my roommate, but they lived an hour apart from each other. She was reluctant to drive to meet him for a date by herself, because it was in an unfamiliar city and she didn't know my friend very well. So he turned to me and pleaded me to make it a double date. He would find a guy for me. I at first declined the blind date because I wasn't interested in being set up. But my roommate, who had been clued into the plan, pleaded with me.

We were told to dress up. Then my friend told me that he was going to be taking my roommate by themselves for a little bit and my date and I were going to set up a special dinner on an overlook of the river. Okay, fine. The dinner would be all four of us. So, we were told to dress up.

On the day of, as we were driving to the city, he calls my roommate to say that I don't have to dress up. I give her a glower which she decided not to mention. Since we were spending the night at my parents house, which was in the city too, I had some very casual wear. So I ended up in basketball shorts with a nicer top. Not exactly flattering.

When we get there, his friend is barely civil. When my friend and roommate go off we start setting things up. He barely talks to me. Not even the type of talk which you engage when you are being polite or in a common situation because it was very obvious that we had been roped into this by the same person in the same manner. My roommate however was having a magical time on her date.

Which ended at the river overlook where we had everything set up. They sit down with us, we all start eating, I ask questions about what they saw and what my roommate thought about it, mostly so my friend would get immediate feedback. Then his friend starts flirting with my roommate. It wasn't subtle. At this point I'm just pissed at him, so I put on a smile and pretend he doesn't exist. My roommate, who knows me very well, recognized what that smile meant. My friend, who knew me less well, was oblivious.

So, now I get to say that I've been on a blind date who ended up trying to flirt with my friend. Which is a funny story.

On the reading front I just finished two amazing books:
Failure is Not an Option by Gene Kranz

Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara

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