19 October 2011

What constitutes a friend?

Friend. A relationship so easily ascribed to those around us. But what is it?

Many times, we'll meet some briefly and when we see them later on we introduce them as our friend. ... But are they really?

I like the Jane Austen time convention, of you met someone and they were an acquaintance. The only one Elizabeth termed friend outside of her family was Charlotte, and that's because they were intimate (meaning they confided more personal thoughts and feelings to each other).

For me, I have a series of relationships:

Classmate, Co-worker/Boss, Teacher, Roommate - all these people are in my life but have no other attachment to it beyond a specific time range that I am at a certain location.

Acquaintance - someone who I've met several times, done things with in a group setting, see frequently and we chat. Many times they are a friend of a friend. Since acquaintance can be an awkward word, I might just say, "I know them".

Casual friend - someone I can hang out with on a one by one basis. We're connected by common interests. Still do many things with them in groups though.

Friend - someone who takes more than a casual interest in my life, and I in theirs. We talk on a more frequent basis. Plan extended and more detailed activities together. I care about what happens in their lives, however, when we're separated by distance, it isn't the end of the world. It isn't hard. Our friendship will pick up again whenever and where ever we next see each other.

Family - this can include biological family, but in the concept of friendship, these are those persons to whom I am closest. I turn to them for help when in need. Their advice is important to me. We talk fairly regularly no matter the distance and we make plans to get together no matter what.

09 October 2011

Let's Get On With It

After talking with my school adviser on Friday, I found out that I'm going to graduate in May, instead of next December like I originally thought. YAY! Once I've decided something like this, then I'm just ready for it to be done and over. And my first thought after finding this out was, "Now what am I going to do? Real reassuring after I'm getting a degree in film and my first inclination wasn't to hurry out into the film industry. Well, whatever, I have other goals I want to conqueror.

As one dear friend put it, we should make six-month resolutions after every General Conference. Well, here are some of my goals, though not all of them can be accomplished in six months.

1. Write a book. First I want to concentrate on writing one, then I'll worry about getting it accepted to be published.

2. Visit all the temples in the world. I have thirty something out of a hundred something, so I'm on my way with that. And the KC Temple will be done next spring, so I'll be able to add a new one to my tally then.

3. Make several family history documentaries, first about my grandparents and great-grandparents.

All right, I now know what I'll be doing for awhile.