30 December 2011

End of the Year

So, this has been an interesting year, as the title suggests. I've gone through many life changes. I've discovered I like having an mostly absentee roommate compared to one that is always moving my things around. I've always known that I'm an teeny bit territorial, especially when stressed and sick. I passed this semester really well and that's with working an almost full time schedule. I didn't blog as much as I wanted to, but I guess it's something that takes practice. I guess it could be a new year's resolution.

19 December 2011


Everyone who knows me, well or not, knows I HATE being cold. It's almost enough incentive to get very fat so I have extra insulation. ... not really a fat joke.

Anyways, I've survived the semester and now my brain has shut off. On top of that, I feel bad for keeping a blog when I don't even write in it regularly. I've become very good at turning my mind off. Or maybe it's just been more occupied worrying over personal issues. Women do tend to do that. They pull everything they are feeling inside and internalize it. I know most men are probably thinking that's nuts after the many crazy reactions of women, but those reactions are what happens AFTER the internalizing.

But I've already had my self-pity days this month.