10 May 2014

Life As a New Mom

Okay, no I didn't have a baby. But my husband's baby is now living with us. He's a strapping young man of 13 and I'm suddenly thrown into the situation of balancing the responsibility of being a mother and still building the relationship I've already started with him. He's visited many times before, but never longer than a month during summer vacation. And we all know that summer vacation is for playing and relaxing and being lazy. So, it isn't like I had to do more than tell him to go to bed when I came home from work at 3 in the morning. But I do have one great thing on my side. The kid likes me as a person. So, no, I won't be the evil stepmother, though I still have visions of us fighting with him telling me that I'm not his mother, to which I already know that I will reply with, yay, but you still have to follow the rules of this house. Or some such scenario. But we're still in the breaking in phase, and he's still on his best behavior since he has only been here a week and a half so far.

Happy Mother's Day to me?