27 April 2015


I have listened to my first podcast today... and then I listened to several more. It was one from the website Writing Excuses presented by Brandon Sanderson (how I found it through), Dan Wells, Howard Tayler and Mary Robinette Kowal. Since I am an aspiring author, it was very interesting. So interesting I went back to their season one and began listening from the beginning. They are right now on season ten.

19 April 2015


I completed two days ago number 20 on my list.

I did not eat food from my work for 31 days. :) But that was because I miscounted in my head. Good thing I was keeping physical track on a calendar. I'm not so sure that I lost weight, but I know I lost inches. And I definitely have more energy. I'm still bad about cooking regularly at home. I find that I like to cook part of something late at night and then the other part of the meal early in the morning as I'm running out the door. That happened alot when I got sick of peanut butter sandwiches. I also noticed that I was way more hungry during the day. But still not very hungry at night. I guess I like having a big lunch and a little dinner, something that developed while on my mission in Guatemala since all of our evening appointments liked to feed us something.

It is nice to finish a goal. :)